Professional Painters You Can Trust To Get the Job Done Right!
"I had Wayne and his guys paint my whole house. I am more than pleased with their work. They are pros. Quality of work is very high and they finished within the time frame I wanted. I will be using them again in a couple weeks to paint my office. Highly Recommended!"
- Vashmir Pascal
We are professional painters with years of experience providing high quality interior painting to both commercial and residential painting clients
Our Skills & Expertise
When your hire professional Painters provided by Painters For A Day you will get and all the supplies (commercial grade filler, caulking, tape, and plastic) and painting equipment needed. You can choose to hire 1 Painter for a half day (4 Hours of painting for $250) or hire 1 Painter for a full day (8 hours of painting for $450), or hire 2 professional Painters for a full day (8 hours of painting for $850).
Ready To Hire Your Painters For A Day!
If your ready to hire your painters for a day, simply click the link to see our service packages and submit your request and one of our service rep will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
About Us
Painters For A Day is a full service New York Painting Company. We take pride in providing professional Painters for hire in Corona, NY.
Phone: 1-516-850-8369
Email: [email protected]